El Queismo En La Historia (Beihefte Zur Zeitschrift Fur Romanische Philologie, #467)
by Jose Luis Blas Arroyo and Monica Velando Casanova
Bridging the Gap Between Late Latin and Early Old French
It is generally agreed that, of all the Romance languages, French differs most strongly from its Latin ancestor-but relatively little is known about how exactly this situation came about. The present volume provides fresh leads helping to answer this question, by offering a comprehensive account of the morpho-syntactic changes that took place during the transition from Latin to French, Empirically based on a corpus of Merovingian Latin and Old French texts from ca. 500 until 1250 AD, the quantit...
Eugenio Coseriu (1921-2002) is considered to be one of the most important linguistic scholars in the second half of the 20th century. He is known mainly as a structuralist and a Romance linguist, but his work goes far beyond this and offers a comprehensive linguistic theory, with writings on a wide range of issues from semantics, syntax, typology, variational linguistics, language change, pragmatics, and text linguistics to empirical fields such as Vulgar Latin, the history of the philosophy of...
Dante's Persons explores the concept of personhood as it appears in Dante's Commedia and seeks out the constituent ethical modes that the poem presents as necessary for attaining a fullness of persona. The study suggests that Dante presents a vision of 'transhuman' potentiality in which the human person is, after death, fully integrated into co-presence with other individuals in a network of relations based on mutual recognition and interpersonal attention. The Commedia, Heather Webb argues, aim...
Amerika und die Norm
Der Sammelband behandelt das Spannungsfeld zwischen literarischer Produktion und traditioneller Sprachnorm in den beiden Amerikas. Zentrale Fragestellung ist dabei, ob und wie Literatur bei der Etablierung plurizentrischer Sprachnormen eine initiierende oder gar pragende Rolle einnimmt. UEberblicksbeitrage zur Genese der (literatursprachlichen) Norm in den jeweiligen Sprachgebieten (Englisch, Franzoesisch, Portugiesisch, Spanisch, Kreol) werden durch Autorenportraits erganzt, in denen deren spez...
Enseignement Du Francais: Les Apports de la Recherche En Linguistique (Gramm-R, #21)
Cet ouvrage propose une reflexion collective sur la maniere dont l'enseignement du francais peut tirer profit (des resultats) de la recherche en linguistique. Le passage de la recherche a l'enseignement pose des questions fondamentales: comment " traduire " les travaux de recherche vers les contenus d'enseignement ? Comment choisir parmi les resultats de la recherche ceux qui ont vocation a etre adaptes utilement pour les besoins des apprenants ? Comment traiter le decalage souvent evoque entre...
Automatische bersetzung Englischer Fachtexte Ins Persische (Sprache Und Information)
by Hooshang Mehrjerdian
Romanische Texte: Engadinisch, Greierzisch, Altfranzoesisch (Romanische Studien, #3)
Bright new covers in Berlitz blue for easier consumer and brand recognition - Over 30 titles in the range, covering 40 languages all with more than 1200 essential phrases plus a 2300 word dictionary - Sections covering the most popular situations - Basic expressions and greetings, eating out, travel, sightseeing, shopping, heath and more - New page design with improved colour coding for ease of use - Each phrasebook has a handy grammar reference section and full pronunciation guide
Lenguaje Figurado Y Motivacion (Studien Zur Romanischen Sprachwissenschaft Und Interkulturel, #41)
Empleando como corpus de analisis las unidades fraseologicas de diferentes lenguas (espanol, gallego, italiano, ingles, bulgaro, croata...), los dieciseis articulos que componen este volumen analizan los mecanismos figurativos desde opticas distintas y complementarias (semantica, sintaxis, terminologia, etnolinguistica, psicolinguistica...). Los trabajos contenidos en el libro confirman el papel fundamental que juega el lenguaje figurado en el retrato (comparativo o no) de nuestra percepcion de...
Siedlungsnamen zwischen Spatantike und fruhem Mittelalter (Beihefte Zur Zeitschrift Fur Romanische Philologie, #225)
by Monika Buchmuller-Pfaff
La Deffence Et Illustration De La Langue Francoyse - Primary Source Edition
by Person Emile
Kollokationen im zweisprachigen Woerterbuch (Lexicographica. Series Maior)
by Ekaterina Butina-Koller
Lexicographica. Series Maior features monographs and edited volumes on the topics of lexicography and meta-lexicography. Works from the broader domain of lexicology are also included, provided they strengthen the theoretical, methodological and empirical basis of lexicography and meta-lexicography. The almost 150 books published in the series since its founding in 1984 clearly reflect the main themes and developments of the field. The publications focus on aspects of lexicography such as micro-...
Einfuhrung in Die Romanische Sprachwissenschaft (Romanistische Arbeitshefte, #33)
by Wolfgang Poeckl, Franz Rainer, and Bernhard Poell