The story revolves around the mysterious Princess Ziska, who captivates the group of European tourists who are escaping their continent's harsh winter, in exotic Egypt. Corelli narrates the tale beautifully and keeps the reader in total suspense until the end. "Ziska" is a mystery story with few interesting horror elements.
Written by the author of A History of the World in 10 1/2 Chapters and Flaubert's Parrot, this novel begins as a comedy about love and misunderstanding, then slowly darkens and deepens, drawing us into the quagmires of the heart.
The darkly comic Transparent Things, one of Nabokov's final books, traces the bleak life of Hugh Person through murder, madness, prison and trips to Switzerland. One of these was the last journey his father ever took; on another, having been sent to ingratiate himself with a distinguished novelist, he met his future wife. Nabokov's brilliant short novel sinks into the transparent things of the world that surround this one Person, to the silent histories they carry.Remarkable even in Nabokov's wo...
"In The Wise One of Ramogiland," Joseph R. Alila adresses the role of spirituality in life and governnance in a society in cultural and political transitions. In this fictional novel, Alila explores the work of a woman of wisdom (Nyangi), her Ramogi people, their ways, their politcal leadership, and the perils of politcal cohabitation in a young multiethnic, multiparty democracy. Nyangi's experiences remind the reader that modern religious dispensations might have robbed soothsayers and wizards...