Harcourt School Publishers Math Indiana (Harcourt School Publishers Math)
An Introduction to Proof through Real Analysis
An engaging and accessible introduction to mathematical proof incorporating ideas from real analysis A mathematical proof is an inferential argument for a mathematical statement. Since the time of the ancient Greek mathematicians, the proof has been a cornerstone of the science of mathematics. The goal of this book is to help students learn to follow and understand the function and structure of mathematical proof and to produce proofs of their own. An Introduction to Proof through Real Analysis...
Rewriting the History of School Mathematics in North America 1607-1861
by Nerida F. Ellerton and M. A. (Ken) Clements
The focus of this book is the fundamental influence of the cyphering tradition on mathematics education in North American colleges, schools, and apprenticeship training classes between 1607 and 1861. It is the first book on the history of North American mathematics education to be written from that perspective. The principal data source is a set of 207 handwritten cyphering books that have never previously been subjected to careful historical analysis.
Harcourt School Publishers Math North Carolina (Harcourt School Publishers Math)
Intellectual Mathematics Textbook For Grade 3 (Singapore Math Textbook, #3)
by Alan Tan
Munchie Math
by Sarah E Ekenrode, Sarah E Eckenrode, and Linda Rogers
30 Mathematics Lessons Using the TI-15 (Ti Graphing Calculator Strategies)
by Pamela Dase
AS Monaco FC Les Rouge et Blanc Notebook
by Football Soccer Notebook
Mathematics Education as a Research Domain: A Search for Identity (New ICMI Study, #4) (Glaukom, #4)
by Anna Sierpinska and Jeremy Kilpatrick
No one disputes how important it is, in today's world, to prepare students to un derstand mathematics as well as to use and communicate mathematics in their future lives. That task is very difficult, however. Refocusing curricula on funda mental concepts, producing new teaching materials, and designing teaching units based on 'mathematicians' common sense' (or on logic) have not resulted in a better understanding of mathematics by more students. The failure of such efforts has raised questions...
Wie kann eine theoretische Grundlage fur eine gesellschaftlich und okologisch angemessene Technik-Didaktik entwickelt werden? Durch die Kombination von System-, Gesellschafts- und Techniktheorie lasst sich der Komplex Technisierung/okologische Krise/Erziehung in einen konsistenten Zusammenhang bringen. Die Leitdifferenz Ropohl-Luhmann kennzeichnet den Argumentationsduktus der Untersuchung. Von Luhmann her wird z.B. die okologische Gefahrlichkeit gezeigt, die von der vernunftaufklarerischen Hybri...
Mathematisch begabte Kinder; Modelle, empirische Studien und Förderungsprojekte für das Grundschulalter
by Friedhelm Kapnick
In diesem Band werden Untersuchungen zu mathematisch begabten Grundschulkindern vorgestellt, einem in der Wissenschaft und in der Schulpraxis bisher weitestgehend vernachlassigten Thema. Im Mittelpunkt steht dabei eine komplexe Kennzeichnung spezifischer Merkmale und Merkmalsauspragungen von mathematisch begabten Dritt- und Viertklasslern. Hierzu wird ein allgemeines Merkmalssystem entwickelt, das sowohl mathematische Fahigkeiten als auch begabungsstutzende Personlichkeitsqualitaten der Kinder u...
Skill Sharpeners Math Grade 4 (Skill Sharpeners: Math)
by Evan-Moor Educational Publishers