Zilver in Antwerpen
In Zilver in Antwerpen. De handel, het ambacht en de klant belichten acht bijdragen de edelsmeedkunst telkens vanuit een ander perspectief. Waar kwam het zilver vandaan en welke zilversmeden en -handelaars uit de Lage Landen waren actief op het Iberische Schiereiland en in de Nieuwe Wereld? Welke munten werden er geslagen in de Antwerpse Munt en hoe werd zilver ook in textiel gebruikt? Waar was het ambachtshuis van de Antwerpse edelsmeden, hoe was het ingericht en wat rest er nog van? Welk zilve...
Wake Up Containers Be Awesome Notebook for a Crane Maker or Cooper, Composition Journal
by Useful Occupations Books
How to Build with Grid Beam
by Phil Jergenson, Richard Jergenson, and Wilma Keppel
Grid beam is a modular, reusable building system that is fast, easy, affordable, and virtually goof-proof. Ordinary people with few skills and even fewer tools (all you need is a wrench!) can tackle projects ranging from furniture and shop benches to more ambitious projects like wind turbines, truck racks, small buildings-even electric vehicles. Grid beam's modular pieces and bolt-together construction make the system fast and straightforward to work with. It has all the advantages of an indust...
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product. Here's everything the do-it-yourselfer needs to set up, and operate a handy-man's machine shop. Areas covered range from shop requirements and proper lighting to buying, using, and storing tools.
World champion raptor carver Greg Woodward offers his expert tips and secrets for creating fabulous carved birds. He covers a range of topics, including partially painted birds, all natural wood ones, and painted/finished examples. The many outstanding photographs show the techniques and projects in inspiring detail. Text is written by Kurt M. Robinette, an award winning sculptor and falconer himself, who has published many magazine articles in conjunction with Greg.