Theatre for Women S Participation in Sustainable Development (Routledge Studies in Sustainable Development)
by Beth Osnes
A political history of environmental policy and regulation in California, from the Gold Rush to the present Over the course of its 150-year history, California has successfully protected its scenic wilderness areas, restricted coastal oil drilling, regulated automobile emissions, preserved coastal access, improved energy efficiency, and, most recently, addressed global climate change. How has this state, more than any other, enacted so many innovative and stringent environmental regulations ov...
International Trade in Recyclable and Hazardous Waste in Asia
Little is known about the volume of international recycling in Asia, the problems caused and the struggle to properly manage the trade. This pathbreaking book addresses this gap in the literature, and provides a comprehensive overview of the international trade flow of recyclable waste in Asia and related issues. The expert contributors discuss the various types of recyclable waste that Asian countries import, and illustrate that there are consequently higher numbers of cheaper informal recycle...
The idea that councils can play a significant role in helping us to prepare for a low-carbon future may seem unlikely, but the fact is that they could be a big part of the solution. Local authorities have a duty of care to think about the future, and they can address the moral aspects as well as the operational and business aspects of their communities. They can help us to reduce the environmental impact of our lives in every way possible. Communities, Councils & a Low-Carbon Future includes cu...
This book, written by two scientists with a long record of research in the World Climate Research Programme, is the first comprehensive, accessible synthesis of the broad spectrum of our current knowledge of climate science, climate impacts and the interactions of climate and society. Coverage includes an explanation of the climate system and the processes that govern climate variability and change, the sources and limitations of climate information, how the climate is modelled and the uncertain...
Influence of Climate Change on the Changing Arctic and Sub-Arctic Conditions
Going green is the new black for big business. But how real is the climate-friendly revolution that’s being advertised? Toyota would like us to think that Mother Nature drives a Prius, Ford wants us to Join the Green Revolution,” and McDonald’s has painted its golden arches green. Facebook has even friended” Greenpeace. All across the globe big corporations are spending big bucks trying to convince us that their policies, actions, and products are earth friendly. But are big brands and the cel...
Greening Auto Jobs: A Critical Analysis of the Green Job Solution details current and problematic understandings of what constitutes a "green job." Adopting an approach grounded in critical political economy, this book presents a framework to scrutinize the green job solution and the theoretical framework which overwhelmingly informs contemporary green job creation efforts and ecological modernization. The text also explores the tensions that encircle the world of work and environmental action,...
At the close of the twentieth century, corporate capitalism extended its reach over the globe. While its defenders argue that globalisation is the only way forward for modern, democratic societies, the spread of this system is failing to meet even the most basic needs of billions of individuals around the world. Moreover, the entrenchment of this free market system is undermining the foundations of healthy societies, caring communities, and personal wellbeing. This book shows how co-operative mo...
An urgent and definitive collection of essays from leaders and experts championing the Green New Deal-and a detailed playbook for how we can win it-including contributions by leading activists and progressive writers like Varshini Prakash, Rhiana Gunn-Wright, Bill McKibben, Rev William Barber II, and more. In October 2018, scientists warned that we have less than 12 years left to transform our economy away from fossil fuels, or face catastrophic climate change. At that moment, there was no pla...
In recent years, unchecked economic growth in the Western world has led to resource depletion and widespread environmental degradation. "Life, Money & Illusion" was inspired by the dilemma of having an economic structure that has to grow to remain healthy, while facing the necessity of reducing our footprint and establishing a stable state economy to secure ecological viability on a finite planet. The book launches a review of economic expansion. It examines how growth came to be a goal and how...
Watts in the Desert - Pioneering Solar Farming in Australia`s Outback
by Lex Fullarton
Solar power has taken a journey from what was once considered the lunatic fringe to mainstream society and industry. Looking specifically at the Solex project in Carnarvon, Western Australia, which pioneered the harvest of solar energy, this book offers an introduction to the development of renewable energy and the rise of dispersed, embedded solar energy systems in Australia in the early 2000s. Fullarton shows how a practical demonstration of innovative existing technology can have an incredibl...
Marginal Abatement Cost Curves for UK Forestry (Forestry Commission Research Report (FCRP), #19)
by Gregory Valatin
Entwicklungsstrategien in Der Informationsgesellschaft (Umweltnatur- & Umweltsozialwissenschaften)
by Wolf D Grossmann
29 der Kraftwerksabgase, die Foerderung des Pkw-Katalysators und die Verringerung der Emissionen von fluchtigen Kohlenwasserstoffen. Seit jedoch die Arbeitslosigkeit hoch ist, nahm die Bereitschaft ab, Umweltproblemen weiterhin eine besondere Prioritat einzuraumen. Dieser Trend hat sich gegen Ende der 1990er Jahre deutlich verstarkt; beispielsweise werden die Konventionen zur Verringerung von klimawirksamen Gasen nur abgeschwacht ratifiziert und langsam umgesetzt. Dagegen geniesst die Foerderung...
Reforming Energy and Transport Subsidies
Leistungsfahige urbane Infrastruktursysteme zur Wasserver- und Abwasserentsorgung sind Voraussetzung fur eine erfolgreiche Volkswirtschaft. Die historische Entwicklung fuhrte in den westlichen Industrielandern zu Systemkonzepten mit zentralen Behandlungsanlagen und ausgedehnten Netzen. Deren Unterhalt, Reparatur und Sanierung erfordern enorme Finanzmittel und binden die Kommunen langfristig, obwohl der technische Fortschritt heute grundlegend andere und nachhaltigere Systemkonzepte ermoeglicht.D...
Romantic Economics proposes that Modernism in all our arts, technologies and ways of life could only have existed on the back of oil. As we descend from the modernist illusion we'll find urgent need to make sense of the forms of things.
Lessons from Two Green Tax Shifts in the UK (Briefing Paper, #1)
Effective Global Carbon Markets - Networked Emissions Trading Using Disruptive Technology
by Justin D. Macinante
As numerous jurisdictions implement emissions mitigation mechanisms that put a price on carbon, this incisive book explores the emerging emissions markets and their diverse and fragmented nature. It proposes an innovative model for connecting such markets, offering a significantly more successful and expeditious achievement of climate policy objectives. Justin D. Macinante proposes distributed ledger technology to foster fluid markets that price carbon emissions more effectively, achieve great...