Financial Network Services
How to Get a Job and Succeed as a Hedge Fund Manager
by Janie Morrison
My Favorite Financial Advisor Gave Me This Book
by Funny Planner Publishing
Diary 2020 (Diary - Plain & Simple, #2)
by Plain & Simple and Plain & Simple Diaries
The Eurodollar Futures and Options Handbook (McGraw-Hill Library of Investment and Finance)
by Galen Burghardt
Eurodollar trading volume is exploding, with no end in sight tools phenomenal growth. The Eurodollar Futures and Options Handbook provides traders and investors with the complete range of current research on Eurodollar futures and options, now the most widely traded money market contracts in the world. The only current book on this widely-followed topic, it features chapters written by Eurodollar experts from JP Morgan, Mellon Capital, Merrill Lynch, and other global trading giants, and will qui...
Merchant Acquiring: Eastern Europe (Lafferty Global Merchant Services Library)
Budget Planner 2019-2020 (Budget Book Monthly Bill Organizer, #1)
by Carmen G Mitchum
Since 1 January 1999, monetary policy for 11 member countries of the EU is determined by the Eurosystem which consists of the European Central Bank (ECB) and the National Central Banks (NCB) of the countries in the Eurozone. Is this sufficient to enable European Monetary Union to succeed? A number of important issues remain unresolved so far: - what are the roles of the components of this system (the ECB and the NCBs)? - who is in charge? - who is responsible for finance stability? - how...
Community banks ... generally small and locally focused institutions ... are important sources of credit to small businesses. Since the 2007 ... 2009 financial crisis, regulators have made significant changes to the regulatory environment. Chapter 1 examines the data regulators use to measure small business lending, as well as the extent of any regulatory effects on the amount of community banks' small business lending and their lending processes, changes in bank populations, and financial perfo...
The motivations behind Foreign Direct Investment in commercial banking are examined and unravelled using a new analytical framework in this comprehensive study. Laura Paez presents a detailed survey of the economic theory of FDI and expands the application of this theory to commercial banking. Paez offers an in-depth discussion on the rationales for international regulation of financial sector FDI before moving on to analyse how multilateral trade rules apply to FDI and financial services in OEC...
This is a personalized view of the life assurance industry. It draws on Len Warwick's own experiences, both as practitioner and as regulator, and casts a perspective on the problems - and the solutions - facing the industry today. The book includes advice for salesmen, administrators and regulators alike, and should be of interest to anyone seeking to develop a career in the life assurance and financial services markets. Len Warwick has been a life assurance and financial services practitioner f...
Risikomanagementsysteme in Versicherungsunternehmen (It Im Unternehmen)
by Bjoern Wolle
Dieses Buch zeigt die Zusammenhänge auf, die für eine erfolgreiche Umsetzung des Risikomanagements in Versicherungsunternehmen relevant sind. Von den rechtlichen und regulatorischen Grundlagen über moderne Strategien und Ansätze des Risikomanagements und der Systemintegration bis hin zur Bilanzierung gelangen Sie zu einem erfolgreichen Risikomanagementsystem.
Regionalbanken zwischen Digitalisierung, Regulierung und Niedrigzinsumfeld (Edition Bankmagazin)
by Patrick Pertl
Dieses Buch befasst sich mit den Themen Digitalisierung, Regulierung und dem Niedrigzinsumfeld sowie deren jeweilige Auswirkungen auf den Sektor der Regionalbanken. Mit diesem Buch werden die aktuellen Entwicklungen und Rahmenparameter zusammenfassend dargestellt. Zudem werden Handlungsempfehlungen dafür gegeben, wie sich Regionalbanken hinsichtlich der aktuellen Entwicklungen noch besser operativ und strategisch ausrichten können. Um den aktuellen Status quo auch innerhalb der einzelnen Institu...
Das Buch untersucht ausführlich Gold als eine spezielle Ware und als Geldmittel. Die Autorin illustriert dabei den über Jahrtausende andauernden, abwechslungsreichen und problematischen Aufstieg des Goldes zum weltweiten monetären Hauptmetall zu Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts, die anschließende Entthronung und die Jahrzehnte nach seiner offiziellen Demonetisierung zur Mitte der 70er-Jahre des letzten Jahrhunderts.Der historische Kontext erleichtert es dem Leser, zu verstehen, wie es dazu kam, dass...
Bank Management and Supervision in Developing Financial Markets
by W. Bascom
As financial markets are liberalized, bank management and bank regulators and supervisors are faced with new and complex challenges. In general, bank management is faced with the challenge of managing in a competitive and volatile market environment; bank supervisors have the challenge of establishing the framework that permits risk-taking without endangering the banks' safety and soundness. The book identifies and discusses a set of specific challenges, and suggests approaches that may be used...
If you’ve ever bought a personal finance book, watched a TV show about stock picking, listened to a radio show about getting out of debt, or attended a seminar to help you plan for your retirement, you’ve probably heard some version of these quotes: “What’s keeping you from being rich? In most cases, it is simply a lack of belief.” —SUZE ORMAN, The Courage to Be Rich “Are you latte-ing away your financial future?” —DAVID BACH, Smart Women Finish Rich “I know you’re capable of picking winning...
An annotation to the extracted takeover chapter and related provisions of the Corporations Law and the applicable sections of the Australian Securities and Investments Act and Regulations, and the Foreign Acquisitions and Takeovers Act and Regulations. Covers the major legislative and policy materials.
Research Anthology on Concepts, Applications, and Challenges of FinTech
FinTech, an abbreviated term for financial technology, is a digital revolution changing the way banking and financial services are being used both by individuals and businesses. As these changes continue to take place, the financial industry is focused on technological innovation and feeding into this digital revolution to better serve consumers who are looking for easier ways to invest, transfer money, use banking services, and more. FinTech is increasing accessibility to financial services, au...
Von Adressenausfallrisiko über Lender of Last Resort bis zu Zombiebanken: Die Sprache des Bankenaufsichtsrechts zeichnet sich durch unzählige Fachtermini aus. Das vorliegende Nachschlagewerk – eine thematische Sammlung sorgfältig ausgewählter Begriffe aus dem Gabler Banklexikon – eignet sich für den ersten schnellen Überblick. In 550 übersichtlichen Schlüsselbegriffen werden die Grundlagen erläutert. Die Erklärungen sind kompakt und verständlich formuliert und bieten Basiswissen für alle, die...