Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

5 of 5 stars

Hers to Own is the second book in The Vault Series by Anne Lange. This book can be read and enjoyed as a standalone novel with ease. However some characters from the first book do make an appearance.

Brienna Morgan goes to her ten-year high school reunion to show everyone who made fun of her how much she changed. However while Brienna changed physically mentally she is still that overweight girl. Brienna is still changing and growing to escape her past.

Kade McBride goes to his high school reunion and spots someone from his past whom he was obsessed with. Too bad, he never showed her how he felt but he wants a second chance. Kade is also battling other regrets of his past that led to his best friend’s death. Kade owns a kink club and while he is not a Dom, he enjoys kink and being in charge in the bedroom.

The connection between Kade and Brienna is intense. Kade pushes Brienna to accept her past and move forward. Also shows how close they really were all these years when Brienna’s best friend works at the kink club Kade owns. The sex scenes were scorching.

I found this book well written with a fascinating plot. The main characters and the secondary characters were interesting. This book does a great job of keeping the reader on the edge of your seat as each twist and turn unravel. I had a hard time putting this book down. Overall, this was a very magnificent book and I hope to see these characters again in the future.

Reviewed by Victoria for Cocktails and Books

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  • 24 December, 2014: Reviewed