Maximum Ride Forever by James Patterson

Maximum Ride Forever (Maximum Ride, #9)

by James Patterson


Legions of Max fans won't be disappointed by this encore episode in the beloved series about the incredible adventures of a teenage girl who can fly.

As Maximum Ride boldly navigates a post-apocalyptic world, she and her broken flock are roaming the earth, searching for answers to what happened. All will be revealed in this last spectacular ride - a brand-new grand finale featuring all of the non-stop action, twists and turns that readers can rely on in a blockbuster Patterson page-turner!

Reviewed by stefu1 on

5 of 5 stars

After seeing this book available, naturally I wept with joy. The 8th book had a tragic ending and was one of the worst book endings. This book was in typical JP fashion, lots of action, lots of death, and lots of 0.o faces made by readers. Seriously the ending was a mix between "this is great" and "wtf" the ending is good enough this type that if there is no more book being created (sob). It would be ok.

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  • Started reading
  • 15 July, 2015: Finished reading
  • 15 July, 2015: Reviewed