Reviewed by Eve1972 on

4 of 5 stars


I enjoyed this one for the most part. It was well-written. Had a nice pace to it. The sex scenes were hot (not smokin' hot). It was fairly low angst and had no OW/OM drama. It also had some interesting side characters (I am especially interested in Julian and Kendall's book.) A VERY lovable heroine and if I was to rate it on Cassie alone the book would have been 5 stars.

Unfortunately, I didn't particularly like Derek. He is one of those heroes that carries a chip on his shoulder over what life has dished out to him. I understood to a point, but Cassie was such a sweet person, and even knowing this he still planned on using her to destroy the company that she loved so much. Oh, sure he eventually comes around and fesses up and stops blaming her for things every other member of her family did. But honestly, by that point, I was just sort of over him.

Overall it wasn't a bad book. Like I said the heroine was one of the sweetest most genuine ones I have even come across and while I was left feeling happy for her. I couldn't help but feel just a tiny bit like she deserved someone better than Derek.

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  • 10 February, 2017: Finished reading
  • 10 February, 2017: Reviewed