Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

3 of 5 stars

I will admit upfront that I did not read the original telling of this story in RECONNECTED. However, I trusted that I could read this book at a stand alone and still "get it". I will admit that I could somewhat follow what was happen as the story of Liam and Katy was retold from Liam's point of view. However I often felt like I was missing something (what that something was...I don't know, it was simply a feeling I had).

The story felt a little disjointed to me at times, as if we were jumping from one scene to another without the previous scene truly being finished. I always felt that there was information that I should have gleened from the original telling of the story and bring over to Liam's POV, but was lacking since I hadn't read that. Then there was the relationship between Katy and Liam. Katy was far to willing to forgive Liam for whatever transgression has taken place that lead to her leaving him for four year. Then there was her relationship with Lucas which she was desperate to hold onto for about two seconds before she jumped shipped and went back to Liam.
The drama surrounding Liam and Scott's co-star and the tremendously fast paced romances between best friends didn't work for me. They were a little over the top and I felt like they took away from the affect they should have had on the overall storyline.

This was one of those books that just didn't work for me. Others may find this a very entertaining story, specially if they had already read Katy's POV, but I had a hard time believing in the relationships of these characters or wanting them to get their HEA.

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  • Started reading
  • 6 September, 2013: Finished reading
  • 6 September, 2013: Reviewed