Reviewed by phyllish on

5 of 5 stars

A fun, romantic story
My rating is 4.5 stars

Once again, author Susan Hatler wrote a sweet, flirty, romantic story. The Wedding Catch includes a touch of adventure as Avery and Jason try to find long-lost tunnels from the Gold Rush and to save the homeless shelter from being sold and demolished.

While the story could have been told from the perspectives of both Avery and Jason and still worked, I love that the author chose to tell this only from Avery’s point of view. Being able to know her thoughts and not know what was going on with Jason was very effective.

I enjoyed that Jason seemed oblivious to the fact that he was so handsome. He was fun and flirty and persistent, which I also loved. His kind heart and willingness to just jump in and help where needed made him all the more charming. And his sense of humor was too fun! The stuff with the squirrels – it was great!

If you’re looking for a quick romantic read, don’t look any further!

Read my full review with a Preview at Among the Reads

I was given a copy of this book for free. I was not required to give a favorable review nor was any money received for this review. All comments and opinions are my own.

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  • 22 January, 2019: Reviewed