Written on Oct 25, 2014
I have let my people down. Not only did I NOT love this book as much as I wanted to/thought that I would, I am also failing at writing a review. I’m just one big failure at this point. So here I am, trying to write a post to justify my non-feels and possibly upsetting the majority of the blogging population. I’M SORRY, FRIENDS.
Sooo, my main issue with the book was the choppy writing. Maybe this was Maggie’s intention which, to be honest, wouldn’t surprise me, but the entire thing felt very dreamlike with the jumping from point to point and the stopping and starting. You know how, in dreams, you end up in places without knowing how you get there? That’s how this book felt to me. There was no journey, there was hopping. But considering this whole series is weird and dreamy and one of the characters is a freakin’ Dream God and another is trying to find a sleeping king in a sleepy Virginian town, perhaps this was intentional.
RONAN THOUGH. RONAN. Okay so I have previously said that he wasn’t my favourite character because in The Raven Boys I loved Adam the most, and then in The Dream Thieves I was Team Gansey, but now I have switched again and teamed up with Ronan. I don’t even know how it happened, you guys. I just liked his scenes with Blue and also with Adam and his awesomeness. If I switch again in book four then it will be the most brilliant thing because normally I find a person in the first book in a series and stick with them until death do us part. MAGGIE WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO ME.
Can we also talk about my entirely ridiculous Ronan x Blue crack!ship because that’s a thing. Why does chemistry happen to characters who aren’t going to be together *weeps*. I am cursed. (He held her. Twice. Guys. GUYS.) (Yes, I know he’s gay. Hence the crack! before my ship.)
I think I’ve mostly switched teams (again) because Gansey wasn’t featured in this book enough for my liking. The dude is probably about to die and he needs alllll the page-time. We didn’t get many scenes from his point of view, although the Bluesey stuff was enough to make me sob into my pillow. PHONE CALLS.
In addition to lacking Gansey, Blue Lily had entirely too much Adam. I know that this book managed to sway people back onto Team Adam, or at least have them forgive him for his arsehole ways in The Dream Thieves, but this was lost on me. I can hold major grudges, I guess.
* I have resorted to bullet points, lawl
* The church scene. “It was possible that there were two gods in this church.” * This might be the moment I fell in love with Ronan because GOD. Is anyone else sensing Gannicus connections because ha, I am.
* Jesse and Blue’s scenes were the best thing. BEST. THING.
* Bits at the end that included a new character who was just useless and Blue was all MATE WE HAVE THINGS TO DO PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER *hits with a flip flop*
*Court scene. That is all.
So, er… Yeah. That’s it, that’s my review.