Written on Feb 17, 2020
Finding the Road Home simply made me smile! It is everything a sweet romance should be. Heart-warming. Funny. Sweet. Add just a pinch of conflict and there you have it!
I loved Mitch! This cowboy-police chief had sacrificed himself to raise his five younger siblings when their mom died and he was only twenty-one. Though he made plenty of mistakes, his heart was in the right place. He was, unbeknownst to himself, the town's most eligible bachelor and had no plans on changing that status. Until, of course, Daisy entered his life.
Daisy was the tomboy twin who had never thought about more domestic activities. Her sister was a natural mother. Yet when her sister died, leaving her five children, Daisy couldn't help but step up to care for them. (Sound familiar?)
Both Mitch and Daisy had loving hearts and yet they were each so stubborn! Mitch was a bit of a control freak - Daisy even accused him of trying to micromanage God! He needed to learn that he couldn't wrap everyone he loved in bubble wrap to protect them. He had to trust God to be sovereign.
The folks in the town of Rebel were precious! I loved the way they embraced Daisy and her family, ready to help and to bless.
Many things made me laugh throughout the story. The clever business name - Beep Jeep Tours - for one. The trip, where Mitch taught the oldest nephew and niece to fish and the conversations they had. So cute and so funny!
And the swooniest part had to be when Mitch asked Daisy to dance. Awww!
I've come to realize that Tina Radcliffe is so good at writing witty repartee. Her dialog is sooo good and very natural.
If you enjoy sweet romance with a Christian flavor, you are sure to be blessed by this lovely story!
Read my full review at Among the Reads
I was given a copy of this book. I was not required to give a favorable review nor was any money received for this review. All comments and opinions are my own."