Written on Nov 2, 2019
My rating is 4.5 stars
Oh, Liam is such a great wounded hero! His story is pretty amazing and "hero" is such a feeble attempt to describe this valiant man who took on responsibility far beyond his years when he was just a young boy. You may remember him from Danger on the Ranch. He is the former Green Beret who was losing his hearing. His courage and fears warred for victory over him as he began to fall in love with Maggie. I loved seeing him hold on to his faith despite his struggles.
Despite being a fraternal, not identical, twin, Maggie was able to pretend to be her sister Tammy. Though much to her detriment and danger to her life! Maggie was more serious and cautious than her sister. She was fiercely protective and was willing to step way outside her comfort zone to make sure Tammy remained safe.
Deadly Christmas Pretense was packed with action as Maggie and Liam worked together to rescue Tammy and clear her name.
Jingles, the dog Liam's sister got for him, was so much fun! The candy cane dilemma at the parade was cute, and the solution surprised me. I especially liked the way Liam's opinion of the four-legged escape artist evolved throughout the story and that Jingles got to play the hero himself.
If you enjoy romantic suspense, don't miss Deadly Christmas Pretense. As with all the stories I've read by Dana Mentink, the characters grow in their faith through deep issues, it is sweetly romantic, and has just the right touch of humor.
Read my full review at Among the Reads
I was given a copy of this book. I was not required to give a favorable review nor was any money received for this review. All comments and opinions are my own.