Larry Lawton is an ex-con with a passion for helping teens and young adults. He spent eleven years in federal prison for racketeering and for his connections to organized crime. It was there that he fought abuse from prison guards during an eleven-month stint in what is referred to as 'the hole'. Not to be defeated, Lawton chose to educate himself--earning a paralegal certification and becoming an expert on the CFR (Code of Federal Regulations). Lawton is the founder of Reality Check Program, which is used by judges, law enforcement, state's attorneys, and numerous other organizations. He is frequently used as an expert witness on issues dealing with sentencing, reentry, prison regulations, and drug and crime cases for adults as well as juveniles. Lawton had a radio show that frequently hosted guests such as Congressman Bill Posey; Dennis Greenhouse, Director, Community Capacity Development Office (Department of Justice); Charles Hynes, Brooklyn district attorney; Vanda Seward, Director of Statewide Reentry Services for the New York State Division of Parole; numerous Judges; sheriffs; the Florida Department of Law Enforcement Agent-in-Charge; jail commanders; wardens; county commissioners; school board members; and many others. To learn more visit: