Born in 1957 (Lisbon, Portugal), PhD in Ecology (University of Coimbra, Portugal) in 1989.
As marine and estuarine ecologist, he has worked on biological and ecological processes, systems ecology, and ecological modelling. He coordinated 24 large research projects, both funded by Portuguese Agencies and European Union Programs, playing a key role in creating new research infrastructures at Portuguese national level.
Thus far, he has authored or co-authored approximately 300 scientific papers in international refereed journals, 6 books, and 17 book chapters (international editions), having supervised the research work of 51 MSc and 32 PhD students, and 17 Post-Doc Researchers, in Portugal and abroad (Europe and South America).
He is Editor-in-Chief of the Ecological Indicators Journal – Elsevier since 2016.
In 2017 he was laureate Prigogine Gold Medal for his work in the field of Systems Ecology.