Author, Ernest L. Norman (1904-1971) During his lifetime, science visionary Ernest L. Norman published seventeen books outlining an interdimensional theory of everything in non-mathematical terms for readers of the 1950s and 1960s. He explained that his work was overshadowed by a humanitarian Brotherhood of individuals who had distinguished themselves on Earth as scientists, artists, philosophers, teachers, and leaders, and who continue their efforts for humanity from the higher-frequency dimensions they now inhabit. In discourse after discourse, clairvoyantly and clairaudiently received through Norman's consciousness, they outline a joining of science and spirit, a new way to comprehend the interdimensional transfer of energy/information that supports all life on Earth and throughout the universe. Generations of readers have used these concepts-which include the scientific underpinnings of reincarnation-to heal themselves of physical, mental, and social ills. Many of Norman's cosmological theories have since become accepted science, while other aspects remain to be confirmed by frontier scientists in all fields.