37 books • 2 series
The Dancing Mermaid and The Spooky Strummer (Chip Colquhoun & Korky Paul's Fables & Fairy Tales, #12)
Sir Tommy's Fire and Drip Drop Plop (Chip Colquhoun & Korky Paul's Fables & Fairy Tales, #13)
No Tigers on the Table! and The Dance of Persephone (Chip Colquhoun & Korky Paul's Fables & Fairy Tales, #6)
Basket Babies and The Ballad of the Little Half-Chick (Chip Colquhoun & Korky Paul's Fables & Fairy Tales, #11)
Romulus and Remus and Sir Fulladred (Chip Colquhoun & Korky Paul's Fables & Fairy Tales, #10)