25 books • 3 series
Space Cowboys Don't Cry
My Birder
The Leprechaun Trap
Makana, a Dragon, and a Piece of Jade
Swimming Through Lime Green Willows
Why Can't You Play with Bees!
Dippy Thumbs a Lift
Experience Historie and Divinitie
A New Play Call'd the Pragmatical Jesuit Newleven'd. a Comedy. [With a Portrait.]
A New Play Call'd the Pragmatical Jesuit New-Leven'd a Comedy / By Richard Carpenter. (1665)
The Downfal of Anti-Christ, Or, a Treatise by R.C. (1644)
Experience, Historie, and Divinitie Divided Into Five Books / Written by Richard Carpenter, Vicar of Poling ... (1642)
The Conscionable Christian
My Safe Haven
The Alchemical Works of Richard Carpenter
Winjin' Pom (Piper S.)
The Complete Adventures of Robin of Sherwood
Robin of Sherwood (Puffin Story Books)
Turpin and Swiftnick
Dick Turpin
Ghosts of Motley Hall
Catweazle and the Magic Zodiac