A.R. Taylor is a playwright, essayist, and fiction writer. Her debut novel, Sex, Rain, and Cold Fusion, won a Gold Medal for Best Regional Fiction at the IPPY Book Awards 2015, was a USA Best Book Awards Finalist, and was named by Kirkus Reviews as one of the 12 Most Cinematic Indie Books of 2014. Her second novel, Jenna Takes The Fall, received the 2021 Readers' Favorite Book Awards Bronze Medal in Fiction: Intrigue. She's been published in the Los Angeles Times, the Southwest Review, Pedantic Monthly, The Cynic, the Berkeley Insider, So It Goes—the Kurt Vonnegut Memorial Library Magazine, Red Rock Review, and Rosebud. In her past life, she was head writer on two Emmy-winning series for public television. She has performed at the Gotham Comedy Club in New York, Tongue & Groove in Hollywood, and Lit Crawl L.A. 2016. Find her video blog, Trailing Edge: Ideas Whose Time Has Come and Gone, at www.lonecamel.com.