92 books • 1 series
Doggin' the Finger Lakes
Doggin' the Tidewater - The 33 Best Places to Hike with Your Dog from the Northern Neck to Virginia Beach
Doggin' the Carolina Coasts - The 50 Best Places to Hike with Your Dog Along the North Carolina and South Carolina Shores
A Bark on the Beach
Doggin' the Poconos
Doggin' the Berkshires
Doggin' the Mid-Atlantic
Doggin' Northern Virginia
Doggin' Maryland
Doggin' Rhode Island
Doggin' Jersey
Doggin' Delaware
A Bark in the Park
Starting and Running a Do-It-Yourself Dogwash
The Canine Hiker's Bible
American Revolutionary War Sites, Memorials, Museums and Library Collections
Civil War Sites, Memorials, Museums and Library Collections
You Can be a National Champion!
Company Museums, Industry Museums and Industrial Tours
Sports Halls of Fame