Jane Austen Embroidery is a tutorial and pattern book for projects in the Regency style of the time period. Due out 13th May 2020 from Dover, it's 160 pages and will be available in paperback format.
This is a well researched and period accurate group of projects for surface embroidery embellishment. The projects are varied and all are appealing. There are small projects (pencil case, cushion, sewing kit, and more) as well as larger projects (tablecloth, stole, muslin shawl). None of these is outside the ability of a keen beginner (especially if they have some available help).
The book includes a good overview over tools and supplies for surface embroidery as well as meticulously annotated discussions of the daily lives of women who lived during the period (including Jane Austen herself).
There are abundant links and resources for further reading. The pictured finished projects use silks but the authors have included a conversion chart for Silk Mill, DMC, and Ancho flosses. Patterns are included in each project chapter along with illustrated construction notes.
It should be noted that this book is about surface embroidery, not cross stitch. It's lovely to see tutorials and and upswing in interest for the other fibrearts; it seems like only cross-stitch had any following for a long long time and it's nice to see surface embroidery enjoying a renaissance.
Beautiful projects. Five stars.
Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.