Written on May 25, 2020
Still recovering from the end of the second book, she moves on with recounting her story to Marion in the tea room. We move along a few years from the first book, when Mavis is now trying to help her dad who has Alzheimer's, plus planning a wedding, deal with a teenage daughter, deal with Petey (still!!) and then that ending!! Sucker-punch! Epic! I really can’t wait for the next book to see how it all falls into place.
Gina's writing style is fun and has you perfectly capturing every moment in your head as if you were part of the team, included in the jokes and part of her family. Mavis is still a kick-ass clutz and I love her story of just trying to get a normal single mum working in the police force. The stories she tells us had me snorting out loud again! Is there a time when nothing goes wrong?
Poor Petey, as if book one was anything to go by, I don’t know how and why he stuck it out in the force. Book 2 he is getting more of a raw deal, just nothing going on upstairs and when he locked himself in the cage in the back of a police van, all I could think was typical Petey. Still does not beat the morgue story in book one, I think I died of laughter (no pun intended) with that one! I did feel sorry for him with all the ridiculing but bless him he really doesn’t help himself one bit.
Knowing that the anecdotes in her books are based on true stories, again makes things cemented for me as I adore Mavis (and Gina) more, just want to have a cup of tea, dunking biscuits and spend the afternoon with them because I know it will be such a giggle with them.
I really want to shout about this book from the rooftops because I think everyone should read this and enjoy it as much as I have done. Everyone needs a Mavis story in their lives. Thanks Gina!
One thing is for sure, I do not think I can ever eat Krispy Kremes again!