Written on Jun 23, 2018
Not going to lie I loved the main character's name, Zody Lee, because it is basically my name (Zoé-Lee), but that is honestly where the similarities stop. Zody is a successful photographer, who has built up her business with hard grafting. She receives negative comments about her work every day and she receives a death threat. I mean seriously what is wrong with people!
Helena, the woman who wants Zody's life, knows about the emails and confronts Zody to try and 'help' her. So it begins!
I honestly do not know who was the bad guy or the good guy in this book, as they were both flawed in their own way. Neither did the sensible thing, and I got a tad bit confused with what was going on near the end of the book. It was fast paced and you didn't get a chance to breath (obviously I did or I wouldn't be writing this now!) The book is told from Zody and Helena point of view, and you get to see an insight to their mind and wellbeing.
And don't get me started on the ending. It just came out of nowhere, one bit of it was a little far-fetched and another bit was just so god damn shocking. I had to re-read it to double check that I had read it right. It has the wow factor that's for sure! I would never want to get on the wrong side of either of these two women!
Definitely give this novella a try, it is 160 pages of a pure thrilling crazy ride!