Written on Oct 5, 2012
Lucky Harbor is a series set in a little town called Lucky Harbor, were there isn't a shortage of sexy, perfectly single men. And beautiful, perfectly single women.
The lucky thing about this series (see what I did there?) is that you don't have to read the entire thing to enjoy any book in it, since every book pretty much stands on its own.
Still, I'd recommend reading the rest of the books, simply because they're awesome and you'll get all the references that way - and there are references. Shalvis awards us faithful readers with glimpse back into past and loved characters' lives, to see how they're doing since we left them. They're doing fine, thanks for asking.
THIS TIME, we have the story of Amy Michaels and Matt Bowers.
AMY is a waitress. She came to Lucky Harbor to follow her Grandma's footsteps, who went for a journey in the wilderness surrounding the town decades ago and returned a changed woman. Amy wants to change. She wants to find everything her grandma did; hope, peace and her "heart"—whatever that may be. But she does not want love. She gave up on men long ago, after all.I think this may be my favorite story of the series, which says something. Shalvis's plot and writing keeps getting better and better with each engrossing story. I finished this book in a day, and felt sad when it was over. Always a good feeling when it comes to a book.
MATT Bowers is a forest ranger. A really sexy forest ranger. He'd been attracted to Amy since the first time he'd ever laid eyes on her, but nothing ever happened between them. Not that something should happen between them. He'd come to Lucky Harbor for the peace and quite - definitely not for relationships. He had the last one to testify to how relationships end with him. And that's badly.
So what do two people who want no serious attachments do? Fall in love, of course.
I absolutely love Jill Shalvis and her writing style, as well as her characters, her plots and her chocolate quotes -- oh, didn't I mention it before? We get funny quotes to open every chapter. And those quotes are about chocolate. Need I say more?
Amy is a great character. She feels real, and you can't help but love and root for her. You realize from the get-go that she'd had a difficult past, and the more you read the more things get revealed. And the more that happens, the more you pray for her is her happiness. Good thing Matt's there to make sure he gets it.
I loved Matt. He was really sweet and sexy and I loved his personality. Unlike many male MCs in different stories, he is not anguished by his past. He has one, alright, but when it comes down to it - it doesn't hinder him and his relationship with Amy. Not to say nothing hindered their relationship, but problems came from a different side. And don't worry - he'll take care of Amy from now on. I think he'll even do so gladly.
There was drama in this book--as every good story does--but it's not too much drama and it's all quite realistic. The entire setting is realistic. Shalvis is a master in making you feel what you read is real and true.
She also makes you feel hot and sweaty as you read of other people getting hot and sweaty. I felt this was less descriptive then her other stories, like the "dirty" parts were decorated in more lace and pretty language. Not that I had any problem with it, either way, but probably people who don't like explicit content enjoy this better. Still hot and steamy, just down played a little.
I was a bit disappointed that we didn't get to hear anything about Chloe, even though Sawyer even appeared in this book and even Ford, Tara, Jax and Maddie got a mention (and of course we saw Ty and Mallory, seeing as they are Matt and Amy's best friends). But only Chloe, Sawyer girlfriend, wasn't mentioned. And Sawyer and Chloe are my second favorite characters in these series! (Right after Amy and Matt).
Anyway, I can't think of too much to say about this book, aside for the fact it absolutely rocks and you should read it. You'd love the characters, events and writing - I promise!
So go read it!