Jonathan Arnowitz Taylor is a San Francisco-based writer and designer. Recently he has published his first novel, The Rites of Passage is the first installment of a multi-volume series, The Goldberg Variations. He is also a leading designer for creating user-friendly technology and has worked for companies such as Google, Nokia, IBM, and the Dutch design bureaus Informaat and Keen Design. Jonathan has published two books on software design. As this book will show, Jonathan's passions include the human condition, theater, opera, travel, social justice, and communities. All of these passions figure prominently in his writing. Jonathan graduated from Michigan State University with a degree in Theater Arts. A leader in the community of alternative sexuality, he is the title holder of the 2013 International Master/slave education title, which he earned with his now deceased husband Morris Taylor. Redemption of the Damned is Jonathan's second novel in the The Goldberg Variations series.