Now a co-author/author and aspiring entrepreneur, Treasa Brown is pursuing all that the Lord has called her to be. As a prophetess, she is striving to be a prophetic end-time voice, for such a time as this. In 6th grade at Casey middle school, in Boulder, Colorado, a language arts teacher had spoken to Treasa Brown and told her she sees her as a journalist. She thought what her teacher said was not fitting and Treasa paid it no attention. But looking back, she has discovered this to be true! It was like a prophetic word that had been released years ago, as she has kept many journals for over the course of 9 years, by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Treasa Brown has a passion for prayer and wants to see MANY come to Christ. She carries a prophetic mantle and a breaker's anointing has been released upon her life. Treasa Brown may seem quiet and soft-spoken to many, but the God-given authority that the Lord has placed upon her life, speaks loud and clear all by itself. Treasa Brown has a humble heart and she is called for such a time as this!