Noel Barton spent her teen years in the Bootheel of Missouri but now resides in Bowling Green, Kentucky. Being a devout Christian, she credits God for her writing ability. Her fictional stories in the Whirlwind Series, set in the Bootheel of Missouri in the 50's and 60's, are based on facts and occurrences that can easily be related to life and events of today. Noel's books all have a common thread-a love story, a mystery, and many moral and spiritual messages. Readers can't help but become a part of her stories while remembering the 'whirlwinds' of their own lives. We all have whirlwinds. Some refresh us while others suck the life out of us. Noel's stories and characters will live in your heart and mind, long after you've read the last page and leave you longing for her next book.