177 books
Poetry and Poems
Cretan Influences
A Tender Appeal
Variations on a Theme
Poems of Seniority IV - Isn't it wonderful
Poems of Seniority I - I rest in myself
Poems of Seniority II - Letting in Chaos
Five Sets of Poems
Poems of Seniority III - In the Crucible
Diverse Meditations of a Soul
Outdoor Poems
90 Poems
Twenty-One Days of Spring
Modernity and the Spirit of Truth & The Recognition of Gender
The Song Cycle of Gensho Mumyo
Hysteria of Hypocrisy & Comfort or Force
It's Everyone for Himself (and Herself) Volume I
It's Everyone for Himself (and Herself) Volumes II & III
It's Everyone for Himself (and Herself) Volume IV
Poetry and Technique
The Pearl and the Oyster Volume I
The Pearl and the Oyster Volume II
The Insufferable One