I do not consider myself an accomplished author or even qualified to present the Truth to a world addicted to illusion, but since no one else is doing it, I feel compelled to try. I admit my frailties in the matters of mundane education; I just never considered it to be very important and who would have guessed that I was right? It is now being exposed on public television that practically everything we have learned in school is either wrong, flawed or simply insignificant. For me, however, everything changed in one day. Some forty years ago I came in contact with a copy of the Bhagavad-gita while walking through the Denver airport. Henry David Thoreau has declared that compared to the stupendous philosophy of the Bhagavad-gita, this modern world and its' literature seem puny and trivial. I am forever grateful to the girl who insisted that I purchase this authentic presentation of the original and eternal identity of God. My real life began on that day. Since then I have become increasingly enchanted with this philosophy of the Absolute Truth and the self-evident transcendental science which proves His eternal identity.The omnipresent and ever blissful Krishna is inconceivable by any means other than the transcendental approach and the Bhagavad-gita, along with the subsequent Vedic scriptures, provide opportunity for traversing that ecstatic transcendental path. This humble book delves into the proof of God's original identity as well as His visible presence in India only five thousand years ago. The Vedic science teaches that ignorance is a derivative of the word ignore. The Vedas warn that if human society continues to ignore the self-evident proof of God's identity, then they will continue to ignore His orders and this continuation of ignorance and sin will soon cause a great dissolution on this planet.The so-called author of this humble attempt to share the truth of everything with everyone, is simply concerned for the welfare of everyone, especially including myself. The Vedas present self-realization as the purpose of human life. Self-realization is described as realizing one's true spiritual self in eternal devotional relationship with the presence of Krishna within oneself....