8 books
Prussia's Representative Man
Modern 'Science' [Ed. by W. Newton]. No.1. a Scientific View of Mr. Francis Galton's Theories of Heredity [In His Hereditary Genius]. - Primary Source
Prussia's Representative Man [B.H.W. Von Kleist, with Tr. of His Michael Kohlhaas and Prince Frederick of Homburg] by F. Lloyd and W. Newton - Primary
Prussia's Representative Man [B.H.W. Von Kleist, with Tr. of His Michael Kohlhaas and Prince Frederick of Homburg] by F. Lloyd and W. Newton
A Dissertation Upon the Prophet Daniel's Seventy Weeks
A Vindication of the Athanasian Creed, in Respect to the Explicit Explanation of the Three Distinct Persons in the Godhead; And of the Incarnation ... by Francis Lloyd,
The Physiography of the Upper Engadine
Modern 'science' [ed. by W. Newton]. No.1. a Scientific View of Mr. Francis Galton's Theories of Heredity [in His Hereditary Genius]