25 books • 4 series
Jon Sobrino (Modern Spiritual Masters)
Jesus Christ Liberateur
La Foi En Jesus Christ
The Eye of the Needle
No Salvation Outside the Poor
Where is God?
Memoria Subversiva y Esperanza Para Los Pueblos Crucificados (Coleccion Estructuras y Procesos)
Christ the Liberator
Mysterium Liberationis - 2 Tomos
Fe En Jesucristo, La - Ensayo Desde Las Victimas
Cambio Social y Pensameniento Cristiano En America Latina (Coleccion Estructuras y Processos)
Christology at the Crossroads
Systematic Theology
Jesucristo Liberador (Coleccion Estructuras y Procesos)
The Principle of Mercy
Jesus the Liberator (Liberation & Theology S., v. 12)
Mysterium Liberationis
Jesus the Liberator. Liberation and Theology Series.
Companions of Jesus
The Spirituality of Liberation
Jesus in Latin America
Archbishop Romero
The True Church and the Poor
Reflections on Puebla