The fascination of playing chess started in my youth days when my Dad, David Franklin Neal, Sr. taught me the etiquette of the game of conventional chess. After a while regular chess became boring to me and I need to find new ways of playing chess at a more sophisticated level. Thus, I developed my first Advance chess game board, the Star Fish model. The Star Fish Model is a single platform game board which has four hexagonal sections on all four sides of a regular game board. Beside, designing Advance chess game boards, some of my other hobbies include: photography, painting, reading, writing and computers. Some of my sporting attributes include: soccer, biking, tennis, yoga, horseback riding, ping pong, self defense, karate, skate boarding and swimming.
Aug 7, 2020
Cover of Advance Chess

Advance Chess

Feb 7, 2013
Cover of Model III

Model III