Courtney Bowen fell in love with fantasy fiction at a young age and started writing it as a preteen.

She wrote her first version of the Arria series in junior high and high school, and worked on a couple more versions. She's also written several novels and short stories in Arria's multiverse.

She writes in other genres like romance, adventure, sci-fi and poetry. She first wrote Tarn & Beck: The Cursed Coin under the pseudonym Roger Nickleby. She continues to write the Tarn & Beck series, featuring other characters.

So far, she has been a quarter-finalist in the 2019 Scriptapalooza Screenplay Competition, the 2020 Screencraft Animation Screenplay Competition, and the Winter 2021 Los Angeles International Screenplay awards.

Jul 1, 2012
Cover of Coe Baba

Coe Baba