41 books • 4 series
Hollywood Aliens and UFOs, 3rd Showing
The Pastoral Nephilim And Giants
Hollywood Aliens and UFOs, 1st Showing
The Necronomiconjob, Liber V
Nephilim and Giants as per Pop-Researchers, Vol. I (Nephilim and Giants as Per Pop-Researchers, #1)
Nephilim and Giants as per Pop-Researchers, Vol. II (Nephilim and Giants as Per Pop-Researchers, #2)
The Necronomiconjob, Liber IV
The Golden Golem Goal
Transhuman Hollywood
A Worldview Review of the Alien and Predator Mythos Franchises
The Baha'i Faith's View of Christianity
The Necronomiconjob, Liber III (Necronomiconjob, #3)
Our Winter at the Overlook Hotel
What Does the Bible Say About the Devil Satan? (What Does the Bible Say About..., #3)
Cain as Serpent Seed of Satan, vol. IV (Cain as Serpent Seed of Satan, #4)
What Does the Bible Say About Demons? (What Does the Bible Say About..., #2)
Reasons for Being an Atheist
Cain as Serpent Seed of Satan, vol. III (Cain as Serpent Seed of Satan, #3)
The Necronomiconjob, Liber II
What Does the Bible Say About Angels? (What Does the Bible Say About..., #1)
An Independent Investigation of the Baha'i Faith
The Necronomiconjob, Liber I (Necronomiconjob, #1)
On Jesus Mythicists' Mythicism Myth