73 books
Carthage and Tunis (Volume 2); The Old and New Gates of the Orient
Australian Poets, 1788-1888; Being a Selection of Poems Upon All Subjects, Written in Australia and New Zealand During the First Century of the British Colonization
Queer Things about Egypt
Edward the Black Prince; An Epic Drama
The Admiral; A Romance of Nelson in the Year of the Nile
Australian Ballads and Rhymes; Poems Inspired by Life and Scenery in Australia and New Zealand
The Real Truth about Germany
Carthage and Tunis, the Old and New Gates of the Orient;
On the Cars and Off ... with Nineteen Collotype Plates and Eighty-Seven Illustrations in the Text. with Additional Matter on Klondike by P. A. Hurd.
Lester the Loyalist
More Queer Things about Japan
Playing-- The Game
The Japs at Home
The Moon of the Fourteenth Night, Being the Private Life of an Unmarried Diplomat in Persia During the Revolution, Made Into a Book by Eustache de Lorey and Douglas Sladen. with 38 Illus. from Old Persian Prints, Persian Newspapers of the Revolution Time
A Poetry of Exiles Volume 1
A Japanese Marriage
On the Cars and Off
Queer Things about Japan
The Confessions of Frederick the Great, King of Prussia. and the Life of Frederick the Great
The Admiral
The Real "Truth about Germany"; Facts about the War
On the Cars and Off; Being the Journal of a Pilgrimage Along the Queen's Highway, from Halifax in Nova Scotia to Victoria in Vancouver's Island
Younger American Poets, 1830-1890
Queer Things about Sicily