23 books • 11 series
3 Zero
Good people DON'T go to Heaven
Signs & Times of His Coming
The Fight 4 America
Raving Wolves
Keez & KiKi Remus (If, #1)
Train UP The Way to Go
30 Days 30 Bible Memory Verses (Train Up, #2)
Take UP - Kids Bible Lessons
Kids Power UP (Power Up, #1)
Train Up (Proverbs 1, #1)
Armor of God 4 Warriors (Eph. 6:12, #2)
Charlie Doesn't Live Here Anymore (John 15:13, #2)
12 Steps 4 Recovery Workbook (12 Steps, #2)
Senor Campos
When Johnny or Jane Come Home After War (Facing Life's Battles, #3)
The Testimony of Eternal Life
Facing Life's Battles (Manna 4 Warriors, #2) (Spiritual Tools, #1)
The Alcohol Trap
Manna 4 Warriors
Steps 4 Recovery (Manna 4 Warriors- Action Plan, #4)
Stone Pony