Robb Walsh has been a food writer for 15 years. He has been the restaurant critic for the Houston Press since 2000 and was formerly the food columnist for Natural History magazine and the editor in chief of Chile Pepper magazine. He currently writes for Gourmet, Saveur, and other publications. He has been nominated for the James Beard Award 13 times and won twice. He has also won the Bert Greene Award for Newspaper Food Journalism as well as several awards from the Association of Food Journalists.

His books include The Texas Cowboy Cookbook, Legends of Texas Barbecue Cookbook, The Tex–Mex Cookbook, and Are You Really Going to Eat That?

Walsh's newspaper and magazine articles appear in several anthologies including Best Food Writing 2001–2006 and Cornbread Nation, Best Southern Food Writing I & II, from the Southern Foodways Alliance and University of North Carolina Press.