19 books • 13 series
Most Bibles Say Atheists, Jews, and Non-Christians Go To Heaven (God Says Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, and Taoists Are Saved, #1)
Secrets of the alchemist star lord of wars in a rings of time matrix (Dawn of Interstellar Voyager Cyber Sapiens in a Magic Circular Pi Life, #1)
Win a grit habits mindset to think, influence friends, and grow rich (Stop Worrying: Pitch, Persuade, Motivate, Innovate, and Brainstorm, #1)
Addicted to success (Don't Procrastinate for Viral Riches in Social Media Networking, #1)
Life habit hacks for work, love, friends, money, and weight loss (21 Secrets to Be Rich, Thin, Motivated, and Happier in 30 Days, #1)
Vagabond gypsy retirement today for fun, to be free, rich, and happy (Poverty, Prosperity, and Other Illusions Blinding You to Freedom, #1)
USA American dream jobs (Don't Blink, Think of the Badass Success Outliers, and Grow Rich, #1)
Self-control habits for discipline to stop procrastinating to get rich (Make Viral Funny Comedian Entrepreneurial Self-Help Content, #1)
Tidying habits to have time, not hoard, and to declutter life and work (Procrastination Cures for Organizing and Cleaning Clutter Joyfully, #1)