R. Brown has travelled many different countries and experienced many different cultures. The inspiration for Weaving the Christmas Chain, however, didn't come until she became a grandmother to grandson B. A. A. Brown, and they began creating stories together.

Having witnessed Christmas in South and Central America, R. Brown saw the disconnect between fables of Santa Claus and cultures outside of North America. She and B. A. A. Brown imagined a world in which Santa Claus wasn't the only Christmas figure-a world in which other cultures are also reflected in Christmas fables. Thus, Weaving the Christmas Chain was borne. Together, the two wrote a Christmas fable that captures the imagination of youth and the mysticism of the holiday season, and honours South and Central American heritage.

R. Brown lives in Calgary, Alberta, Canada with her husband, eldest daughter, and grandson, B. A. A. Brown. Weaving the Christmas Chain is the pair's first book.