20 books • 2 series
Heather's Fashion World (Magic Attic Club)
Trapped Beyond the Magic Attic (Magic Attic Club)
Viva Heather! (Magic Attic Club)
The Secret of the Attic (Magic Attic Club)
Heather Goes to Hollywood (Magic Attic Club)
Heather Equestrian (Magic Attic Club)
Heather Takes the Reins (Magic Attic Club)
Secret (Magic Attic Club)
Trapped Beyond the Attic (Magic Attic Club)
Heather Goes to Hollywook Hc (Magic Attic Club)
A Matter of Time
Alison Walks the Wire (Magic Attic Club)
Heather, Belle of the Ball (Magic Attic Club)
Heather at the Barre (Magic Attic Club)
The Shorty Society
Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are!
Apart at the Seams (Hazelden destinations)
Slate Blues
The Next Thing to Strangers
The Buddy Trap