28 books
Malcolm Sage, Detective Herbert George Jenkins (Illustrated)
Making People Happy
Malcolm Sage, Detective Illustrated
Malcolm Sage, Detective by Herbert George Jenkins
The Night Club by Herbert George Jenkins
Malcom sage, detective
Malcolm sage, detective (Classic Edition)
Mrs. Bindle
Adventures of Bindle
Malcolm Sage, Detective
The Rain-Girl; A Romance of Today
Bindle; The Story of a Cheerful Soul
The Life of George Borrow
John Dene of Toronto
The Return of Alfred
Patricia Brent, Spinster
John Dene of Toronto a Comedy of Whitehall
Bindle Some Chapters in the Life of Joseph Bindle
Malcolm Sage
The Life of George Borrow; Compiled from Unpublished Official Documents, His Works, Correspondence, Etc
The Life of George Borrow, Comp. from Unpublished Official Documents, His Works, Correspondence, Etc
The Rain-Girl
The Return of Alfred (1922)