78 books • 4 series
Vida de Cristo (Vidas de Jesus/Edibesa, #3)
Le Memorial de La Vie Chretienne, Qui Contient En Abrege Tout Ce Que Doit Faire Une AME Nouvellement Convertie a Dieu, Pour Arriver a la Persecution a Laquelle Elle Doit Aspirer
Obras, Volume 12...
Homiletische Predigten Auf Das Ganze Kirchenjahr
Oeuvres Completes, Volume 6...
Obras. [followed By] Vida, Por L. Munoz...
Oeuvres Completes, Volume 11...
Sermones de Tiempo; Que Acostumbran a Predicarse Desde El Principio de La Quaresma Hasta El Domingo Tercero de La Misma
Obras del Venerable P. Maestro Fr. Luis de Granada (3, PT. 1); Partes 1a y 2a
Sermones Para Las Principales Fiestas de Los Santos
Obras Del V. P. M. Fray Luis De Granada
Guia De Pecadores,
Historia de Sor María de la Visitación (Religion)
Andachtige Betrachtungen UEber Das Leben Unsers Goettlichen Herrn Und Heilandes Jesu Christi
A Memorial of a Christian Life Compendiously Containing All, That a Soul, Newly Converted to God, Ought to Do, That It May Attain to the Perfection, After Which It Ought to Aspire
Obras Volume 13
An Exhortation to Alms-Deeds. Written Originally in Spanish, by the R. F. Lewis, of Granada; And Now Translated Into English. the Second Edition.
The Sinners Guide, Containing a Full and Ample Exhortation to the Pursuit of Virtue; With Instructions and Directions How to Become Virtuous. Written Originally in Spanish, by the Reverend Father Lewis of Granada, ...
A Memorial of a Christian Life. Containing All That a Soul Newly Converted to God Ought to Do, ... in Four Books. Written in Spanish by the R. F. Lewis, de Granada, ... the Fourth Edition, Revised and Corrected by the REV. B. Macmahon, ...
Vida del Padre Maestro Juan de Avila (Religion) (Memoria)
The Sinners Guide, from Vice to Virtue; Giving Him Instructions and Directions How to Become Virtuous
Life of Dom Bartholomew of the Martyrs; Archbishop of Braga in Portugal
Life of Dom Bartholomew of the Martyrs
Counsels on Holiness of Life, the First Part of the Sinner's Guide