205 books • 3 series
'the Church in the Army', a Lecture...
The Lives and Lessons of the Patriarchs Unfolded and Illustrated
The Communion Table, Or, a Plain and Practical Exposition of the Lord's Supper
Foreshadows; Lectures on Our Lord's Parables
Thanksgiving, a Psalm for the Day; Or, Reasons of Thankfulness to God on His Withdrawal of Pestilence, an Exposition of Psalm CIII
Look and Live; Or, Present Salvation for All Who Will Accept It
The First and Second Books of Samuel. (Sabbath Morning Readings on the Old Test.).
Twelve Urgent Questions; Personal, Practical, and Pointed
Apocalyptic Sketches; Lectures on the Book of Revelation First and Second Series
Redemption Draweth Nigh; Or, the Great Preparation
Moses Right and Bishop Colenso Wrong, Lectures in Reply to 'Bishop Colenso on the Pentateuch'.
The Psalms and Paraphrases According to the Version of the Church of Scotland; With Names of Suitable Tunes, Parallel Passages and Supplemental Hymns and Doxologies for Special and Missionary Occasions, to Which Are Prefixed Prayers and Services from the
Synopsis Papismi, Or, a General View of the Papacy Volume 6; With General Confutations of Romish Errors from the Scriptures, Fathers, Councils, Etc. E
The Millenium Rest; Or, the World as It Will Be
Great Preparation, Or, Redemption Draweth Nigh (Volume 2); Second Series
When Shall These Things Be?; Or, Signs of the Last Times
Great Preparation, Or, Redemption Draweth Nigh (Volume 1)
Lectures on Our Lord's Miracles
Lectures on Our Lord's Parables by the REV. John Cumming
Readings on the Prophets. Isaiah
Behold the Bridegroom Cometh, the Last Warning Cry, with Reasons for the Hope That Is in Me
'Our Father', a Manual of Short Family Prayers
A Preservative Against Popery, in Several Select Discourses Upon the Principal Heads of Controversy Between Protestants and Papists (Volume 6); Being Written and Published by the Most Eminent Divines of the Church of England, Chiefly in the Reign of King
The Tent and the Altar; Or, Sketches from Patriarchial Life