45 books • 3 series
Robert Slater is the author of best-selling Jack Welch and the GE Way. A veteran journalist with more than 25 years experience writing for Time, Newsweek, and UPL, Slater also the author of Saving Big Blue, Soros, and Get Better or Get Beaten.
Telegraphic Code
The Values of American Teachers
Terrorist Cop
Terrorist Suicide Bombings
Seizing Power (Bloomberg, #121)
Soros: The Life, Ideas, and Impact of the World's Most Influential Investor
Untapped Riches: Never Pay Off Yourand Other Surprising Secrets for Building Wealth
Untapped Riches
Great Jewish Women
Trump3 Pocket 9 Units Display
No Such Thing as Over-Exposure
Microsoft Rebooted
Wal-Mart Triumph 6-Copy Counter Display
Jack Welch on Leadership
La Cultura Wal-Mart (the Wal-Mart Culture)
Reinvented Cisco
Magic Cancer Bullet
The Wal-Mart Decade
Blue Chip of the New Economy
Jack Welch and the Ge Way
29 Leadership Secrets from Jack Welch
The GE Way Fieldbook: Jack Welch's Battle Plan for Corporate Revolution